Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Get out the Vote" calls into Mass. for Health Care Reform

"Please join us tomorrow and/or Tuesday at the Greene County Democratic Headquarters to make "Get out the Vote" calls into Massachusetts. We are at a real risk of losing the late Senator Kennedy's seat to a candidate who has vowed to vote against health reform. We're urging folks to support the democratic candidate. Martha Coakley. This is a nationwide effort and we need your help! I cannot stress how important this is. We have 1.5 million uninsured Missourians who are counting on this election. Whether you can call for an hour or 3 hours, we need your help!

For any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at this address. Thank You!

-Erin McCann

Event Details:

"Get out the Massachusetts Vote" Phone Bank

Monday: 4 pm - 8pm
rsvp here:

Tuesday: 12 pm - 6pm
rsvp here: