Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Take a Moment to Reflect on YOU

From Self-Spirit.com

Balance & Well-Being: A Time For Reflection
"Each Year we tend to make a few resolution goals and promises, but do they really stick? Do we really recognize what facets need to be improved in our life? Right now might be a good time to sit down and evaluate your goals. It is the perfect time to reflect how you have done in the past year. One good way to reflect is using four facets of well-being:"
Material Well-Being
Spiritual Well-Being
Physical Well-Being
Social Well-Being

Soooo, how 'well' are you? Recommendation: Take a few deep and slow breaths- Then steal away for a few quiet minutes, click this link and read over Jessica's post. It's full of thought provoking questions that will help you evaluate your path and decide if any changes need to be made and if so, where?? IF you really want to get your hands dirty- roll up your sleeves and write out the answers!

Namaste Friends.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Rainbow Within

*I have a new meditation up on Spirit-Self.com* Everyone has a Rainbow within- this meditation will help you re-energize yours.

Check it out!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Planning a Vegetable Garden?

Great article for those wanting to start a vegetable garden:
Planning a Vegetable Garden

About NGA

The National Gardening Association (NGA), founded in 1973, is a nonprofit leader in plant-based education. We serve a national audience with timely materials designed to foster an appreciation for the benefits of gardening.

Plants have the power to change our lives. They enable the simple and therapeutic pleasure of working in one’s own garden. They play a basic role in providing clean air and serve as a nutritious basis for healthy living. And they are uniquely effective teaching tools. For more than 30 years, NGA has been working to renew and sustain the essential connection between people, plants, and the environment through gardening.

Our programs and initiatives highlight the opportunities for plant-based education in schools, communities, and backyards across the country. We serve as a bridge to connect people to gardening in five core fields: plant-based education, health and wellness, environmental stewardship, community development, and responsible home gardening.

Also- Sign up for the Free E-Newsletter. Well worth it.